Mastering Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2007

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Devin L. Ganger is a technical writer and architect for 3Sharp LLC. He is a Microsoft Exchange MVP who has more than 15 years of experience managing Windows and UNIX systems, with a focus on messaging, DNS, and security.
Ryan Femling, MCSE, Windows Server 2003, is an Office Systems solution specialist for 3Sharp LLC, with extensive knowledge of networking, storage, and clustering technologies.

Chapter 1: Data Protection Concepts.

Chapter 2: Installing DPM.

Chapter 3: Using the DPM Administration Console.

Chapter 4: Using the DPM Management Shell.

Chapter 5: End-User Recovery.

Chapter 6: Protecting File Servers.

Chapter 7: Protecting Exchange Servers.

Chapter 8: Protecting SQL Servers.

Chapter 9: Protecting SharePoint Servers.

Chapter 10: Protecting Virtual Servers.

Chapter 11: Protecting Workstations.

Chapter 12: Advanced DPM.

Appendix A: The Bottom Line.

Appendix B: Setting Up a Lab Environment.

Appendix C: A Collection of DPM Best Practices.

Appendix D: Checklists.

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Mastering System Center Data Protection Manager 2008 thoroughly addresses the features of the new software, and gives IT professionals what they need to use the tool to back up and recover critical data and monitor processes for Windows Server, SQL Server, Exchange Server, and other Microsoft server platforms and non-Microsoft products. It also teaches readers how to set up and deploy SCDPM 2008 and create solid strategies for backing up and recovering data. Included is an appendix of SCDPM 2008 PowerShell commands.

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