Mega-Regional Trade Agreements: Ceta, Ttip, and Tisa

New Orientations for EU External Economic Relations
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Stefan Griller was appointed Professor for Public Law with special regard to European Law at the Vienna University of Economics and Business in 1991. Since 2008 he has been President of ECSA Austria. At the University of Salzburg, he has been Vice President of the Salzburg Centre of European Union Studies - SCEUS since 2011, and since 2013 holds the chair for EU Law at the University of Salzburg.

Walter Obwexer was appointed full professor for EU Law, Public International Law, and International Relations at the University of Innsbruck in 2012. Apart from his university functions, since the 1990s Walter Obwexer has served as a legal counsel of government institutions in Austria.

Erich Vranes is professor of international law, European law, public law and international economic law at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien). His research focuses on international economic law, fundamental issues of international law, European Law, EU external economic relations, and legal theory. Erich Vranes has studied law at the Universities of Graz, Lausanne, and Geneva.

This volume brings together leading experts in the field of international economic law to address the legal complexities of the TTIP, CETA, and TISA treaties and provide an explanation of their core principles. This book also addresses the controversies surrounding the treaties, including their regulatory ambition and insufficient transparency.
  • Part I: Fundamental and Introductory Issues

  • 1: Stefan Griller, Walter Obwexer, Erich Vranes: Mega-Regional Agreements: New Orientations for EU External Relations?

  • 2: Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann: CETA, TTIP, and TiSA: New Trends in International Economic Law

  • Part II: Selected Sectoral Issues

  • 3: Erich Vranes: The Contents of CETA, TTIP, and TiSA: The (Envisaged) Trade Disciplines

  • 4: Christian Tietje and Kevin Crow: The Reform of Investment Protection Rules in CETA, TTIP, and other Recent EU-FTAs: Convincing?

  • 5: Stephan Schill: Authority, Legitimacy, and Fragmentation in the (Envisaged) Dispute Settlement Disciplines in Mega-Regionals

  • 6: Thomas Cottier: Intellectual Property and Mega-Regional Agreements: Progress and Opportunities Missed

  • 7: Walter Berka: CETA, TTIP, TiSA, and Data Protection

  • 8: Christoph Ohler: CETA, TTIP, TiSA, and Financial Services

  • 9: Lorand Bartels: Human Rights, Labour Standards, and Environmental Standards in CETA

  • 10: Panos Delimatsis: TTIP, CETA, TiSA Behind Closed Doors: Transparency in the EU Trade Policy

  • 11: Stefan Mayr: CETA, TTIP, TiSA, and their Relationship with EU Law

  • Part III: CETA, TTIP, and TiSA: New Challenges for Politics, Law, and Legitimacy?

  • 12: Christoph Moser: On the Expected Economic Effects of Trade Liberalisation and the (TTIP)

  • 13: Sonja Puntscher Riekmann: The Struggle for and against Globalisation: International Trade Agreements and the Democratic Question

  • 14: Stefan Griller: Three Salient Issues of the New Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements

  • 15: Verena Madner: A New Generation of Trade Agreements: An Opportunity not to be Missed?

  • 16: Stefan Griller, Walter Obwexer, Erich Vranes: Conclusions

The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between the EU and Canada (CETA), proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the EU and the US (TTIP), and the plurilateral Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) between the EU and 22 other States have sparked a great deal of academic and public interest.

This edited collection brings together leading experts in the field of international economic law to address the legal complexities of these treaties and provide an explanation of their core principles. In the first two chapters, this book examines changing conceptions of international economic law and the main motivations for negotiating mega-regional agreements. In nine further contributions, international experts examine sectoral issues such as the trade, investment, and dispute settlement procedures envisaged in these 'mega-regional' agreements. The book goes on to consider the progress made in intellectual property protection, the problems associated with data protection, human rights, labour, and environmental standards, issues of transparency and legitimacy, and the relationship between CETA, TTIP, and TiSA on the one hand and EU law on the other. It concludes with four chapters that discuss globalization and other fundamental questions surrounding these mega-regional agreements from economic, political science, and legal perspectives.

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