Clinician’s Guide to Evidence Based Practices
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Clinician’s Guide to Evidence Based Practices

Mental Health and the Addictions
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Thomas P. Hogan
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

All mental health and addiction practitioners want to provide their patients with the most effective treatments. But with this comes the challenge of wading through the overwhelming amount of scientific research and integrating it with clinical expertise and patient values. Here, a trio of distinguished scientist-practitioners provide a concise, user-friendly guide to assist practitioners in implementing evidence-based practices (EBP). Learn the core skills for conducting evidence-based practice through AAA TIE: Ask a specific, clinical question Access the best available research Appraise critically that research evidence Translate that research into practice with a particular patient Integrate the clinician's expertise and patient's characteristics, culture, and preferences with the research Evaluate the effectiveness of the entire processNo book covers EBPs in mental health as concisely and accessibly as the Clinician's Guide. An accompanying CD features expanded content, interactive examples, and hyperlinked references. The Clinician's Guide does not merely explain EBPs; it gives skills to apply them to better serve patients and improve outcomes. Containing numerous practical examples and following three case vignettes throughout, the Clinician's Guide teaches you how to actualize EBPs in your own practice.
All mental health and addiction practitioners want to provide their patients with the most effective treatments. But with this comes the challenge of wading through the overwhelming amount of scientific research and integrating it with clinical expertise and patient values. Here, a trio of distinguished scientist-practitioners provide a concise, user-friendly guide to assist practitioners in implementing evidence-based practices (EBP). Learn the core skills for conducting evidence-based practice through AAA TIE: Ask a specific, clinical question Access the best available research Appraise critically that research evidence Translate that research into practice with a particular patient Integrate the clinician's expertise and patient's characteristics, culture, and preferences with the research Evaluate the effectiveness of the entire processNo book covers EBPs in mental health as concisely and accessibly as the Clinician's Guide. An accompanying CD features expanded content, interactive examples, and hyperlinked references. The Clinician's Guide does not merely explain EBPs; it gives skills to apply them to better serve patients and improve outcomes. Containing numerous practical examples and following three case vignettes throughout, the Clinician's Guide teaches you how to actualize EBPs in your own practice.

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